Final Edit

When we picked the final edit we had some cirteria that we wanted our final images to meet:

1. There had to be a balance in the image between the body and the fabric.

2. There had to be a tension between the body and the fabric.

3. The body language had to be appropriate. Sometimes the fabric would look very dramatic but the body language was too relaxed and vice versa. This sends a mixed message.

This fabric seems to be pulling the model, she’s holding her face as the fabric tightens around her neck and head creating a swirling vortex that dissolves into a more fluid, flowing pattern at the end of the fabric.

The fabric molds to the contours of the face, revealing some but not all detail. Shrouded, the face becomes shapes and shadow as the fabric drags the form out to the side. Slightly tight around the neck, constricting, at the same time as being soft and delicate.

The fabric presents an opposing shape, confronting the model with a defiant form of its own. The head seemingly detaching as the fabric grips and pulls.

As if underwater the fabric floats, but with a weight to its folds. The tense shoulders anchoring themselves to the bottom of the frame whilst the head is lifted following the flow of the fabric.

The tight, stretched line of the back extends through the arm, the tight fabric shielding and constricting at the same time, creating a shell between the long limbs of the body.

The tension here is in the stance, the almost impossible backward lean, the endless curve from head to toe, shrouded in black fabric. The tension in the top forearm emphasizes the dangling, long arm by her leg and the loose contour lines emanating form her hip and breast.