MA Exhibition Content

How many cinemagraphs should we show?
We have chosen 2 final cinemagraphs from our final shoot, and we are unsure whether we should show one or both. We spent some time in the projection room testing out projecting one or both.

17 single

We thought about showing only one cinemgraph with the thinking that the audience could linger on the details of the image. However we were concerned that this would mean people would get bored and wonder off.

8 single

8 and 17 in sequence

With the two in sequence and constantly looped it gives the audience more info, and creates a relationship between the two cinemagraphs. They almost appear as mirror images of each other but they have different intensities.

Sequence trials:

Black space with fade

This is our initial attempt at the sequence, the fade works well, separating the two cinemagraphs without disconnecting them entirely.

Black Space with no fade

The cut to black is too jarring and we think it will take the audience out of the experience of viewing the work.

Fade with no black space

Whilst we like the fact that the images are almost mirror images of each other this is not the main focus of the work, and this fade highlights this too much. It also feels a bit cliche, and messy.


No fade with no black space

This cut is far too harsh.

Final Sequence
Approx 35 sec each with 3 second black fade.
We feel this has a good balance, the cinemagraphs feel like a pair but are not presented as a mirror image and they are displayed long enough to take in the detail without getting bored (the individual cinemagraphs are roughly the length of a standard TV advert of 30 secs).